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Confronting Convergence

On 30 April 2012, the Minister for the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy released the Final Report of the Convergence Review Committee. What does the Final Report mean for you? CAMLA presents an industry forum to tackle the issues raised and recommendations made in the Final Report. Our panel of speakers includes…

WAITLIST ONLY Special event for young lawyers

You are invited to attend CAMLA?s key networking opportunity for young lawyers and those new to the media and communications industries to meet with more senior and established members of the profession. Please RSVP directly to Featuring Our speakers from the CAMLA Board will share their career path, and discuss their current role and…

SOLD OUT. WAITLIST ONLY. ‘Update Your Privacy Settings’ – Privacy Reform 2014 – seminar

SOLD OUT. WAITLIST ONLY. The presentation by Timothy Pilgrim, Australian Privacy Commissioner will cover: Key changes to privacy laws The APPs (in particular, APPs dealing with direct marketing and crossborder data flows) New enforcement powers What these changes mean for privacy professionals What assistance the OAIC will be providing How privacy professionals can get involved…

Setting the Record Straight: Recent Developments in the Defence of Qualified Privilege, and Other Current Issues in Defamation Law

Setting the Record Straight: Recent Developments in the Defence of Qualified Privilege, and Other Current Issues in Defamation Law The defence of qualified privilege has recently been scrutinized by the High Court of Australia in both Trad v Harbour Radio (reply to attack) and Papaconstuntinos v Holmes a Court (voluntary defamatory publications). What are the…

Copyright seminar – ALRC inquiry into Copyright and the Digital Economy

This event will by jointly hosted by CAMLA and the Copyright Society. It will include a panel discussion and audience Q&A on the impact of the recommendations in the ALRC's Discussion Paper regarding "Copyright and the Digital Economy" may have on the following media sectors: Free to air television Music Internet and online Each of…

SOLD OUT – WAITING LIST ONLY CAMLA special event for young lawyers

SOLD OUT - WAITING LIST ONLY CAMLA is holding a key networking opportunity for young lawyers, law students and those new to the media and communications industries. Our speakers will share their career path, discuss their current role and professional highlights: John Corker (Visiting Fellow/Lecturer UNSW) Sandy Dawson (Barrister, Banco Chambers) Toby Ryston-Pratt (Deputy Chief…

Serious Invasions of Privacy seminar

In its inquiry into ?Serious invasions of privacy in the digital era?, the Australian Law Reform Commission has been asked to consider ways in which the law might be reformed to prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy including the design of a statutory cause of action. The ALRC is about to release its Discussion…

Public Broadcasters – where to from here? seminar

CAMLA and the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATIONS PRESENT: PUBLIC BROADCASTERS: WHERE TO FROM HERE? In an increasingly multi-channelled and fragmented digital media landscape, where do we see the role of public broadcasters, primarily as reporters of news and current affairs? Our panel will examine the issues surrounding public broadcasters in Australia, contrasting them with other…

Copyright and the Digital Economy

The ALRC's Report on Copyright and the Digital Economy recommends a number of significant changes to Australian copyright law to meet the challenges of a complex and changing digital environment. Does Australian copyright law need a principles based "fair use" exception to remain relevant? Should third parties (such as cloud storage providers) who facilitate "fair…

Communications Policy Settings in a Time of Unprecedented Technological Change

Paul Fletcher MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications, will discuss the impact that unprecedented technological change is having on traditional policy assumptions in the communications sector. The disruption of industry after industry by a better, internet based offering is one of the great constants of modern economics. This rapid rate of technological change…

PLEASE NOTE: CAMLA members need to log into the CAMLA website to be able to purchase discounted Member tickets.

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