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Limited places still available for Defamation seminar

Setting the Record Straight: Recent Developments in the Defence of Qualified Privilege, and Other Current…

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Upcoming Copyright seminar

The Australian Law Reform Commission is expected to release the Discussion Paper in relation to…

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ACCC releases free online education program for small businesses

A message from the ACCC: Under Australian competition and consumer laws, small businesses have a…

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Privacy Awareness Week – 28 April to 4 May 2013.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) will celebrate Privacy Awareness Week with a…

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Update Your Privacy Settings – presentation available

Timothy Pilgrim, Australian Privacy Commissioner recently delivered a presentation, 'Update your Privacy settings' at a…

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Waitlist only for Update Your Privacy Settings seminar

WAITLIST ONLY NOW - please email The presentation by Timothy Pilgrim, Australian Privacy Commissoner…

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CAMLA’s Young Lawyers Event and essay competition winners

The evening took a relaxed panel format comprising CAMLA committee members Page Henty (General Counsel…

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Communications Law at Melbourne Law School

Communications Law at Melbourne Law School The specialisation in Communications Law offers an advanced and…

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