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The downloads page contains downloadable content from past seminars and events and CAMLA meetings.

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Downloads from CAMLA

CAMLA special event for young lawyers


You are invited to CAMLA’s key networking opportunity for young lawyers and those new to the media and communications industries.

Our speakers all long term CAMLA participants will tell you about their career paths,  and professional highlights and discuss a major matter in which they were involved in 2012:

• Page Henty, General Counsel (Network Ten)
• Lynette Ireland, Chief General Counsel (Foxtel)
• Debra Richards, Chief Executive Officer (Ausfilm)
• Toby Ryston-Pratt, Deputy Chief Legal Counsel (NBN Co)

Law firms and media companies are encouraged to send younger colleagues to what promises to be a fun and inspiring evening.

Wednesday 30th January 2013
6:00pm for 6.30pm start, followed by drinks

Ashurst Australia
Level 36
225 George Street, Sydney

The winner of CAMLA Essay competition will also be announced on the night.
Essay competition details are on this website or please email

RSVP: By Wednesday 23 January to or 02) 9399 5595
Numbers will be limited.

 Download PDF 4096KB

Confronting Convergence

Convergence Review recommendations at a glance – Confronting Convergence seminar at Ashurst 24th May 2012

Download PDF 432KB

Timothy Pilgrim presentation, 6 September 2011

Privacy law reform – getting the balance right

Download PDF 168KB

Chris Chapman speech 30th May 2011

Mr Chris Chapman, Chairman and CEO of the Australian Communications and Media Authority discussed the Government’s Convergence Review from the perspective of the ACMA’s experience at the coal face

Download DOC 263KB

Senator Conroy speech 25 March 2009

Senator Stephen Conroy has made available his speech to CAMLA members and guests at Henry Davis York 25 March 2009

Download DOC 56KB

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